Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Miss Emma Sue and her winter doooo. She is such a scraggle muffin..

 We have like a short hallway from the main hall to our bedroom. I put a sheer curtain up just to filter out some of the view from the hall. I stuck it up there with an old shower curtain rod and pinned a piece of lace around it to make it drape.

 My Baxter Bean will turn 10 this March. He is so good. He curled up in my wicker chair in the bedroom for a long winter's nap.

Miss Macy Claire Bear was modeling for me one day. She said she more of a natural colored collar but I told her it was okay and just to go with it.

I got into the mood to change up our bedding. I wanted something more spring like. Well I ended up with Chocolate Brown. Brown like the bare naked branches before the buds come.

It's 19 degrees tonight. For some reason it feels colder than it did the other day when the wind chill was -0.. Oh how I have missed blogging... I hope I am back for a long time. I use this as my online journal..scrapbook...memory book.. and cook book. I love documenting my life...if not for anyone else, for myself...

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back! Love the brown curtain in your bedroom. What a neat idea and it's really pretty with the lace. I also love the new bedding. Brown seems to be a favorite color to me this year.

    Of course, you know, I always loves pictures of your furbabies!!


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