Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Catching up

Macy ready for Trick or Treat.. then she went outside and rolled around on the ground. Emma stepped on her tulle skirt and stuck her foot through it. I put them in the car..backed up a bit and put them back in the house. You would have thought they had been gone for a week. It's the little things.
 Josie and Jamie has Hellos.. they passed candy out of grandma's house.
Solar lights charging for one ofthe many power outages we had. Stick them in a vase in the house and they stay lit for 1.5 days..

We went to the nursing home on Christmas Eve to see Greg's grandma.. She is 99. the kids are not comfortable.
Some of my present wrapping ..
Our tree.. It didn't turn out the way I wanted. but there is always next year.
Captain Morgan photo always a good laugh..

Stay tuned as I dig through more photos.

1 comment:

  1. Emma looks cute and I thing your tree is really pretty.


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