1. Do you like chili? Yes, I like chili.
Red or white? I don't know that I have EVER had white chili so I will have to go with Red..
Beans or no beans? I do limit my bean intake but I will eat some.
Spice or no spice? I am not a real spicy person, so I say some spice...
Toppings? Cheese, sometimes sour cream.. fresh cut chives.
2. Red~Orange~Gold...your favorite fall color? THIS COLOR.
3. Who did you idolize when you were growing up? Donnie and Marie Osmond..I'm a little bit country/ I'm a little bit Rock~n~Roll.. and the other purple person.. PRINCE also known and sometimes known as a symbol)(*&&^%$#@!
4. When was the last time you did something 'arts and crafty'? Well, Just yesterday I tried to make spiders on sucker sticks. I have not taken any pics yets so I will try to post them later this week.
5. What's a place that makes you really nervous? Tight, close spaces. And the ocean. I am terrified of sharks.
6. Horse back riding... yay or nay? Yes, I love it. I haven't done it for years but when I was in 3rd grade I wanted to be a cowgirl... yeeeehawww...!!!
7. What is your favorite cliche? Everything but the kitchen sink...for some reason I hear this every time I go on vacation..
8. Insert your own random thought here. This was my first time joining the hodgepodge.. It was fun so share things about myself. I can't wait to read others.. Did anyone else love Donny Osmond?
Thanks for visiting~ Cathy
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